Discalculia Take the test now Abrir el Menú Móvil Take the test now
Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to do math. Early diagnosis can help to avoid poor school performance
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All post by Hiwet Costa

Hiwet holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and is an expert in learning disorders. She forms part of the Smartick content development team.


Dyscalculia in High School

Dyscalculia in High School

The secondary education period is a crucial time in any student’s life. This is where the foundation for future academic and professional success is laid. However, for some students, this path can be lined with significant obstacles, especially as it relates to […]

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Dyscalculia Example: Hector’s Story

Dyscalculia Example: Hector’s Story

Dyscalculia example. In the world of education, each child has their own unique journey, facing diverse challenges and triumphs. Today we want to share the story of Hector, a brave fourth grader who has dealt with dyscalculia, a learning disorder that affects […]

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Adult dyscalculia: mathematics difficulties

Adult dyscalculia: mathematics difficulties

Adult dyscalculia: Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to understand and work with mathematical concepts. Although it is often diagnosed in childhood, its impact does not completely dissipate with time. Many adults face significant challenges in their daily […]

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Dyscalculia Multiplication Tables

Dyscalculia Multiplication Tables

Dyscalculia, a learning disorder related to math skills, can result in significant challenges for children throughout their formative years. Children with dyscalculia often face difficulties when it comes to learning multiplication tables. Understanding why this occurs and discovering ways to provide effective […]

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Activities for Dyscalculia using Manipulatives

Activities for Dyscalculia using Manipulatives

Activities for Dyscalculia treatment . Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to perform mathematical calculations and understand mathematical concepts. The use of manipulative materials, such as rulers, base ten blocks or number lines, can be an effective way […]

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